Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Zeta Omega Zeta Chapter


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated claims sisterly ties with over 125,000 College-educated, dynamic, community service driven, diverse and professional women. Zeta Omega Zeta’s membership includes women in a wide range of professions within the cities of Saginaw, Midland, Bay City, Flint, Birch Run, Mt. Pleasant, and Remus.
Although membership in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is by invitation only, we encourage interested women with a track record of community service and in possession of a baccalaureate degree or higher to contact the Membership Coordinator of the Zeta Omega Zeta Chapter. Non-degree seeking women interested in the Amicae and young ladies interested in one of the youth groups should also contact Zeta Omega Zeta for more information.
Candidates for membership are strongly encourage to have a track record of serving their community, a commitment to scholarly endeavors, demonstrate the traits of Finer Womanhood, an interest in fostering the ideal of Sisterly love; as well as hold additional requirements and qualifications as may be required Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Chapter meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month. All members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. are welcome to attend; however, prior notification of attendance is preferred, and positive verification of sorority membership and photo identification are required for admittance. For more information please fill out the contact card located here.
The Chapter welcomes the opportunity to visit with any Soror who wants to come home to Zeta; has relocated to one of the cities in which our chapter members reside; or is looking to change their chapter membership.
For more information on membership, please contact us at SaginawZetas@gmail.com